Sunday Mornings:
8:30AM - The women’s book study group meets every Sunday morning to pray and discuss the book of the month.
10AM - Sunday Church Service
Discovery Land - This Bible centered adventure is for kids grades 1-5. There are Bible stories, Bible memory, and fun crafts and prizes. The kids will be dismissed to go downstairs after the announcements each week.
1PM - Prayer Intercessor Team (Pit Crew) - They are meeting for one hour on Tuesdays starting at 1PM over at June T's and will be praying for the specific needs of our church family. Call or email our church or just talk to June if you want to be part of the Pit Crew.
Wednesday Nights:
6 to 8 PM
At 6:30 the adults will get together for either study or to watch a video and the Youth Group for Jr & Sr High schoolers will get together next door in the Youth building.
Saturday Mornings - Prayer Group meets from 10 to 11am one time a month. This prayer group is being led by Missy J. right here at church. Check the bulletin for the latest schedule.
Every other Saturday morning:
7AM - Men’s Breakfast: Good food, conversation, study, and prayer. A real man's way to start the day.
Church Membership
Becoming a member of Calvary involves a few simple steps.
1. You have to be a follower of Jesus Christ demonstrated by sharing when you asked Jesus to forgive you and be your savior.
You have been baptized as a believer who has chosen to follow Jesus and declared it by being baptized by immersion.
2. You agree with the goals and priorities of the church.
3. You want to use your gifts to serve God however you are able.
If this is you, please talk to Pastor Randy Berg.
Truelife.org has many great short videos on question that people have about God, Jesus and the Bible.