Who We Are
Calvary Church is a family of people who are learning what it means to be followers of Jesus. We believe the Bible teaches us how to live in relation to God and each other.
The purpose of our worship services is to offer ourselves to God, listen to his message to us, and encourage one another by sharing our needs and celebrating God’s blessing in our lives. Our music is relevant to today as our band leads us in singing current worship songs which you will hear on popular Christian radio.
Our pastor believes that sermons are not to gain information but to bring transformation to our lives.
We try to be real and relevant in a relaxed setting.
What We believe
1. The Bible is the word of God and is our sole authority for living. We believe all the Bible is true.
2. We believe salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
3. We believe baptism is an act of identification as a believer, not a requirement for salvation.
4. We believe the Holy Spirit comes into the life of every believer when they commit their life to Jesus.
5. We believe in the priesthood of the believer, which means we each come to God on our own.
6. We believe the church is the hope of the world.
Our Denomination
Calvary is part of a larger denomination called Converge formerly known as the Baptist General Conference. Converge consists of approximately 1,200 churches around the country.
We are also part of a smaller group called Converge North Central which is 150 churches in Minnesota and Iowa. The purpose of our group is to do together what we could not otherwise do by ourselves.
Converge NC operates Trout Lake Camps with wonderful camping experiences for all ages in northern Minnesota and Iowa.
Pastor: Randy Berg
Pastor Randy Berg has been the Senior Pastor of Calvary since 1994 after serving for 8 years as a Senior Pastor in North Vancouver, British Columbia. Prior to that he served as an Associate Pastor in Crystal, MN and a Youth Pastor in Burnsville, MN.
Educationally he attended Bethel College and later graduated from Western Washington University in Education while serving in a church in Mount Vernon, Washington. After serving there 2 years he, Linda and a new baby returned to Minnesota to attend Bethel Seminary where he received a Masters of Divinity degree. In 1988 he received a Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family from Eastern Baptist Seminary in Philadelphia. “I am more practical than theoretical and this degree brought me greater understanding of God’s design for family, first for myself and then for those to whom I serve.”
Randy and Linda have 3 children and 8 grandchildren who fill their lives with joy and activity. Ask him about ‘Grandpa Camp’.
What makes Randy tick? He has a passion to see people from all backgrounds and experience come to know the love of God in a personal way. He talks a lot about God not being interested in what you do for Him but who you are to Him. “When we finally realize that God is not keeping track of our spiritual activity we can relax in simply knowing Him. We need to know that it is not a contest to see who can be the best Christian.” He believes God wants to bless us far more than we can imagine and being in the ‘splash zone’ of God’s blessing is what the normal Christian life looks like.
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